Your enthusiastic response to my tribute last Sunday has reaffirmed my belief that Mr. Biondi is still the most beloved deejay in Chicago radio today, just as I said on the air. I've received many requests for CD copies, and I know there's a lot of others who want copies but haven't told me yet.
Here's my solution... a rebroadcast of the Dick Biondi tribute on Sunday, May 3, 2009. If you have any requests for specially selected repeats, let me know. Some of my early favorites were the tributes to George Harrison, Chicago Eddie Schwartz and 70's TV kids shows.
Today is the birthday of the late great comedy recording artist Richard 'Dickie' Goodman. He is revered among record collectors for his cleverly edited montages of comedy sketch dialogue, sound effects and sound bites from current hit songs. He was unappreciated in his own time, and he suffered the pain and humiliation that only a truly dedicated artist can feel.
These are the featured selections in the Dickie Goodman tribute. Included are some of the many hundreds of break-in singles that were inspired by his work, including two by his former partner Bill Buchanan.
Mr. Jaws (1975); The Flying Saucer (1956); On Trial (1956); The Answer To The Flying Saucer by Syd Lawrence (1957); The Space Man by Steve Allen, Alan Freed & Al 'Jazzbo' Collins (1956); Flying Saucer The Second (1957); The Creature by Bill Buchanan (1957); Santa & The Satellite (1957); The Thing by Bill Buchanan; Flying Saucer Goes West (1958); Frankenstein of '59 (1958); Flying Saucer The Third (1959); The Touchables (1961).
Listen next week for a fun-filled romp through the Second City archives. You'll hear some of the funniest sketches from their many live stage shows dating back to the late fifties.